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  • superfoodsperuvian@gmail.com


The reason is modified food, which has drastically altered and weakened human genes.

It is known that the Dutch museums are full of masterpieces of the 16th and 17th centuries, but it is less known that they have villages preserved in their original state, built from the 16th to the 18th centuries. This is possible because back then they built houses and mills from hard wood. Anyone who had the opportunity to visit one of those museum villages was amazed by the fact that the Dutch, the tallest nation in the world, only 120 years ago were small people, like dwarfs. The dimensions of the houses of the 16th to 18th centuries testify to this. Door openings are 160 to 170 cm high, the same size as the beds. So, the Dutch have stagnated at an average height of around 160 cm for centuries, and in the last 120 years they have grown 25 cm.

Why do you think this happened?

The reason is modified food, which has drastically altered and weakened human genes. When you crossbreed a plant, for example, corn or wheat, endlessly for 75 years and call it a new hybrid each time, the last one has its genes so altered that GMO is a loose term for it. Just as hybridization developed in the 70s and 80s, the incidence of cancer advanced. It is believed that we do not eat GMOs. The real picture is that we are not aware of it, the only difference is whether they will tell you something is genetically modified or it has totally modified genes.

Is there any place where the food is all natural?

Peru!! It covers an area three times the size of California and could easily feed the whole of South America. The basic foods are autochthonous, originating from Peru, like tomatoes, peppers, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, quinoa, cocoa, peruvian maca, ... There are 164 autochthonous types of fruit. Thousands of tons of perfectly shaped fruit in the Amazon fall to the ground and rot because there is no one to eat it, and the rotting becomes its own natural fertilizer. There is no need to modify something that looks and tastes perfect, of which there is plenty. Whatever you plant or scatter in Peru will be huge and tasty. Fortunately, the people are so primitive that they are afraid of foreign influence. Pesticides and any form of plant modification are attributed to the work of the devil, which it is.

Peru has hundreds of native, unmodified varieties of corn, potatoes, quinoa, yuca, and sweet potatoes. But when we speak about the exported fruits and vegetables, grown by foreign companies, they are chemically treated and modified. In the markets in the provinces, you will only buy unmodified organic vegan food. Fish from the Peruvian Pacific is considered the cleanest in the world thanks to the Humboldt current, which is as strong as the Amazon River and is an inexhaustible source of clean, cold water pumped along the coast 365 days a year from the south of the continent.

Made in collaboration with Dr. Dunjic; try Peruvian traditional medicine that literally heals.  

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